Community Outreach
Community & Outreach
RoboHacks Hackathon: Sustainability
One of the most significant events organized by McGill Robotics is its annual hackathon, RoboHacks, which brings together high school, College of General and Professional Teaching (CEGEP), and university students. This event is more than just a competition; it is an opportunity for students to collaborate, innovate, and practice design porcesses. RoboHacks emphasizes sustainability, encouraging participants to create solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also environmentally friendly.
Community & Outreach
AUV Team’s Community Outreach
In addition to volunteering at McGill Robotics events members of our AUV team take the time to give back to the community. We have included only a few highlights of our member’s outreach below.
We have a few members that volunteer with S.W.A.M. or swimming with a mission, a non-profit organization that provides affordable and accessible one-on-one swimming instruction to children with disabilities.
We have formed a connection with a local school, Trafalgar, and have helped them implement more STEM into their curriculum. We have spent time in classrooms aiding students and teachers using 3D printing as a method to learn about design processes. We look forward to helping them start up a robotics club in the fall 2024.